Thursday, August 18, 2011

In One Week...

In one week...I will have completed my first day of driving to OK. Everything is coming together. I sold my car, I have been packing up and saying my good byes. My emotions have been all over the place. I am saying good bye to everything I know and the people I love! Two of the families I have come very close with in the last 5 years took me to dinner. It was a nice treat. My friend asked me what I was going to miss the most, and I told her, my friends and family! I have had such a great group of friends varying in all ages, from kindergarteners to 75 year old's. I am going to miss them all!

Yesterday was a hard day, I said my good byes to my teacher friends. It was a great time to get together and just hang out. Thank you Julie and Bonnie for hosting and putting it together! I will miss my Macy Family!

Today as I was helping one of my teacher friend's with her classroom, and it came time for me to say good bye, I got teary eyed. I had to get out of there fast before I lost my composure. We have become very close over the summer, partly because I broker her leg...well not really but I encouraged her to go down a big hill at the park we where rollerblading at (she was on roller skates) and needless to say we both lost control and fell but she broke both her bones in her leg.

Saying good bye is never easy and its going to get harder as I have to say good bye to my sister, some special kids, and special families.

More to come in the next week as I continue my adventure!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh Carleigh, its okay to cry....cry your eyes out sister...share your feelings and love like you've never been hurt! We are going to miss you, but know that this is NOT goodbye forever. Thank you for loving my girls, teaching them and helping them grow. Can't wait to stay in touch through facebook and your blog....great job! We love you and May God bless you and watch over you in all you do!
